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BlaDot™ Remove solution
Price: $137.50Catalog Number: B1601-001
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Catalog Number Product Size Unit-Price
B1601-001 400μl ($)137.5
B1601-002 400μl *5 ($)593.8
Storage conditions

-5°C to -20°C

Shipping conditions Dry Ice
Shelf life 18months from date of manufacture

BIOEXPLORER® BlaDotTM Remove solution, mainly used to remove Black Dots in the cells, serum,and medium   , while common bacteria also have a certain clearance. In cell culture, sometimes under a 400-fold microscope, small black spots are seen moving, sometimes in the shape of dots, sometimes in the shape of small sheets, moving in the form of in-situ vibrations (similar to Brownian motion). This is the Black Dots. BlaDotTM main component is antibiotic, the pollution of Black Dots can be effectively cleared and controlled, to prevent pollution and rescue valuable cells to provide help.


Not for human or animal therapeutic use. Uses other than the intended use may be a violation of local law.

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